Located in the DFW area, and serving the US 903-714-1169

AGES 1 - 12

About Us

Tammy Villanueva, MS
My Best Behavior Coach CEO
Behavior Specialist / Coach
Child Parent Relationship Therapy Specialist
Early Intervention Specialist
"I love this age; it can be challenging and hilarious in the same minute." Tammy Villanueva, MS
​Tammy has worked with hundreds of families and dozens of daycares/pre-schools offering strategies to help with behaviors and keeping peace/creating joy.
Parenting with clear expectations and positive discipline can be as important as anything else a parent does to shape their child into a successful human. It truly is where the magic happens and is, of course, the most important job in the world.
Relationships are the key to success in life and often, only a few tweaks to their current strategy is all a family needs to see improvement in behavior and happiness in the household.
Reaching out for help can be difficult, I bring peaceful/positive solutions to your family and help you feel more confident as a parent.
My Best Behavior Coaching Philosophy
We understand you have fears and anxieties around raising your child(ren). This is very common. We understand that inviting in a coach can be a difficult choice. Rest assured; We provide a no-judgment zone. My Best Behavior Coaching is a program designed to be goal focused, not mistake focused.

The solutions you are seeking are just a click away.